Current Status – On the road again!
Took it to get inspected last week. Mostly good – overdrive wont kick in so I need to check that. Also almost to Kurt’s Garage for an inspection and it electrically died, than seconds later came back, then did it again a bit later. Got to the garage and found a connection that was maybe suspect but wasn’t convinced that what it was. Got inspected and started home. Everything was working fine till it wasn’t. Quit and wouldn’t come back. Was able to safely pull off the side of the road. Thought about the circuit and the only common thing was a relay I put in – when I turn the key to acc or run it kicks the relay in that turns the power on to the main fuse block. I had thrown a couple relays in the back just in case – replaced the relay (it was a new one) and no more problems.
I thought I could use the old brake drums but didn’t like the feel so new brake drums, shoes and the rest for the rear end are on the way.
Windows (except rear door) are in, new felts on roll up windows, new gaskets all around on doors, heater wired and plumbed in, 12 to 6 volt setup for heater fan and windshield wipers – made the wipers 2 speed, grill on, new headlights, parking lights, tail lights are in. Passenger seat belt installed.
Shocks installed – front were no problem. Rear were a pain. Because the rear end was changed out for a newer version many years ago the stock shocks didn’t fit. I had to weld in different mounts for them but they’re in now. We’ll see if I got the measurements correct when I drive it.
Used the string method to align the front wheels and that’s good for a start.
Tomorrow – remount doors, install driver seat belt, put rugs in (old set for now), put seats in, if the rear door balls come in then put the windows in them and mount them.
If that gets done we then drive it on the road and see what happens.

Firewall done.
Plugging holes in the firewall
New Floors & Rocker Panels
NEW FLOORS! Back at it –

Disc brake conversion is now moving ahead. I just got discs with hubs from ebay. Back when I first started this rebuild I had found adaptors, calipers and discs somewhere – I think it was ebay but don’t rmember from whom and it’s been so long it was off my history. So I need hubs. I found the ones I just bought that were one piece – discs and hubs.
Time to put the front end together so I called in my assembly team. Here’s Quincy (7) and Amalya (3) putting the wishbones together.
My assitant Amalya (3 years old) wanted to help put the bolts in. Start em young!
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About This Site
Bought this 2001. Had a quick paint job done, drove it a couple years and then decided to rebuild it. Then life happened and it got stuck on the rotsiserie for years. Now geting back to it. Adding disc brakes, dual master cylinder, sport seats from an HHR SS, B20 engine beefed up a bit and sound deadening and just general updating.
How I Got It
Bob Tescione was in the MG Car Club and had a Volvo Duet Wagon I saw the first time after joining the club and liked the style and flow of it. I asked but he wouldn’t sell it so I kept my eye out for one for sale at a reasonable price. There aren’t that many around and fewer for sale.
I was browsing the net one night and found an ad for this one. I contacted the owner – he didn’t know it was on the net – it was still early and people were just starting to use the net more. He had placed an ad in his local paper. The net was new enough – a time when newspapers were trying to figure out how they deal with this new information source – the newspaper he used posted all their ad’s on the net.
His name was Keoke Skinner. He owned a Juice Bar in Douglas, AZ, he lived in Agua Prieta, Mexico and used the Volvo to ride back and forth. Said he and a friend converted it to electric because he would often have to wait at the border while going to the bar.
I asked if he had pictures but he said no, and didn’t have a camera. I sent him a Kodak disposable and he took pictures and returned the camera. I had them developed and called him and purchased the Volvo. I then made arrangements to have it shipped to me. Cost $900 to ship by McNutt Auto Transport – which I tought was very reasonable.
He had said his kids called the car VOLVEETA – I thought that was cool so I’ve got the New York plates – VOLVEETA.
About The Color
When I had it painted the first time I took a bunch of colors and printed them out. I brought the samples to a MG Car Club meeting and had everyone vote on what color I should paint it. Most of the men just ignored it but the women at the meeting through it was a good idea.
As you can see the blue color got the most votes. I figured OK, looks good. One of the things I noticed driving my MGB ( around was that young boys especially noticed it and would wave. Finally dawned on me that it looked like a familiar MatchBox car. While driving Volveeta I noticed that woman would often stop and look and wave. Hmm I thought.
So I’m going on a ride to pick Barbara up in New Hampshire shortly after getting Volveeta on the road and after getting Barbara I tell her that I noticed women often stop and look and wave. Of course she tells me I’m wacked. Until after a few hours of driving she says – You’re right, women are looking at us and even waving! We thought it very odd.
So after picking her up we went to my daughters in MA. We pull in her driveway and she comes out and says “Wow – you painted it Tiffany Blue!” – mystery solved.
Mounted the steering assembly, installed the springs. I didn’t have a spring compressor so I came up with my red neck spring compressor using my floor jack. It worked out very well.